Tuesday, March 17, 2009

From the Wilder View - March 2009

In a moment we can change a sad day into a joyful one.
In a moment we can share our love for a dear one.
In a moment with just a glance we can invite or exclude.
In a moment our world can change.
In a moment we can transform the world.

One Thursday evening, I was talking with a couple that I will marry in May. There was joy in the anticipation of their wedding day. We talked about who would stand where and all of the details of the ceremony. The groom decided that he would like to walk his mother down the aisle before the wedding. There was great joy in that discussion. A few hours later, he received a call. His mother was on the air- plane bound for Buffalo, and she had been killed in the crash. In a moment, his world was turned upside down.

In a moment, we meet a stranger in a grocery store. Who knows where they have been, or what they have experienced in their life? Who knows if they are hurting and need the comfort of God’s love? Do we get frustrated as they move a bit too slowly emptying their cart, or do we smile and share God’s love? In a moment, we encounter a coworker who has discovered they have a serious illness. They feel lost and afraid, yet how could they share that with someone at work? Do we get angry because they seem distracted and not engaged in the meeting, or do we pause and listen?

In a moment, a neighbor is faced with the reality of losing their home. They feel shame, despair, and hopeless. Do we give them a hard time for filling up the trash dumpster or do we try to help them pick up the pieces?

There are so many moments in life where a simple action on our part is the difference between life and death in someone’s life. The odd thing is that we rarely know about these moments. The season of Lent is a moment in which we are invited to take time to pause and reflect upon our life. Ita moment to prayerfully listen to God and evaluate our habits to see if they lead us towards life. Ita moment that we might be in tune with the Holy Spirit so we can be used as God’s hands to those around us who are hurting.

May this Lenten season be one of holy moments in which we encounter God.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Kathleen

Time with Sharon: We Are One

March 2009

“ As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer males and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. ”
Galatians 3:27-8

In the month of March, we will be celebrating another Confirmation class at LPUMC. The confirmation experience is a process of growth and introspection...a time of learning about God, about ourselves, and about Christianity as it is expressed through the United Methodist tradition. Most generally, a Confirmation Class is composed of young people in their junior high or early high school years. This year's Adult Confirmation Class has yielded folks from many faith traditions, or noneall, some who have already made their first confirmation journey many years ago in another church or denomination, and some who have never attended a religious class before in their life. Together, all have laughed, questioned, made new discoveries (and friends), and thought about whatmeans to be a follower of Christ, and more particularly, to be a United Methodist Christian.

During our time together, we have explored the early roots of the Methodist revival planted by John and Charles Wesley in England and cultivated by the Circuit Riders crossing the frontier of the American colonies. We have learned how the Methodist movement has been characterized by Wesley's unique understanding of God's Grace,connectional system, and the deep value of holy conferencing. We've discussed the pro's and con's of the itinerancy system, the beauty of apportionment model, and how each member of the church has the potential of effecting change at the General Conference level. We have shared precious conversations about the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, and pulled the Social Principles apart and put them back together again, looking for the truths that we each hold dear. Finally, we have celebrated that this is a church body that holds each person to be uniquely and wonderfully made, inviting all persons to the Lord's Table of Grace.

On March 29th, we will celebrate the conclusion of our Confirmation experience by honoring those who have completed their study. Some may make the decision to wed their spiritual journey with Lafayette Park United Methodist Church by becoming members. All will be acknowledged for their presence with us and their desire to seek deeper understanding of a life lived in Christ through faith. I know you will join me in celebrating their hunger to (re)connect anew with God in a meaningful way.

It has bee thrilling to watch God's Spirit weave together the hearts of these folks who are from such diverse paths into a caring group. There is "no longer Jew or Greek,... slave or free,...male or female". God's Spirit has drawn us together for purposes of learning, sharing, and ultimately serving. That's what the Holy Spirit does so well. As our spirits are touched by God's, we become One in Christ Jesus. It's amazing grace.
