Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Time With Sharon…Our Neighbors' Kids

February 2008

I am worried about the kids.

I have heard from two area elementary school principals in the last week in differing contexts, and learned that there are a lot of boys and girls in our community who are falling behind…or never even getting close to getting started. Some come from area families, and their parents are overwhelmed in trying to pay for the roof over their heads. The reasons vary, but there is a shortage of time, means, or focus to assist their struggling kids with emerging reading and math skills. If these kids have learning disabilities or are just naturally a little behind the curve, they are in jeopardy of falling dramatically behind in just one year, and increase the risks of never catching up. Some are chronically absent because of transportation issues, family instability, health problems, or homelessness. These kids may miss out on large blocks of the presented material, which will remain simply lost to them through the rest of their educational experience.

Some youngsters have the complex burden of being freshly transplanted from another culture. St. Louis has become home to many refugee and immigrant families from Somalia, Bosnia, Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mexico, China, and Thailand. One teacher I spoke with last night told me that some of her students in the second grade had never held a pencil before. These kids are bright, eager to learn, but are caught in the difficulty of trying to learn new skills in a new home, in a new culture, through a new language. They desperately need intensive one-on-one support to help them adapt to their new lives.

The gift of tutoring can give these boys and girls a chance to succeed. If you have an hour or two each week to share with some of these youngsters, your efforts can help to bridge the ever-widening gap that threatens to leave them behind forever. LPUMC has an awesome love for children, expressed through our many children and youth ministries. Here are two opportunities for folks from Lafayette Park United Methodist Church to jump in and get involved in a meaningful way to change the trajectory of the lives of our neighbors’ sons and daughters as well.

Sigel Elementary School- 2039 Russell Blvd.
Hodgen Elementary School- 1616 California

You can pick the hours that work for you. Sitting with children and helping them read through a story may be the gift that your soul longs to give. You have the power to offer encouragement, confidence, and ultimately increase their chances for educational success. I would be so happy to facilitate an opportunity to get you plugged into a tutoring program. Please join me in praying for them. And if you are able, offering the gifts of time, patience, and encouragement.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Sharon