I think it was my first Lent at Lafayette Park UMC that I realized the depth of Jesus’ words, “I have come that they might have abundant life.” You see for many years my focus during Lent was on the death and suffering of Christ. Suddenly I got it; my focus shouldn’t have been on the death but rather the life of Christ! The purpose of Lent was to look at the places of death in my life and to receive the power of Christ’s life in my own life. I suddenly realized that the real purpose for Lent was to prepare us for Easter. Not the Easter that is filled with bunnies, candy, and special clothes and hats, but the Easter of life! The Easter in which we truly grasp the power of God in our lives – the power that transcends death! For us to experience that power of God intimately, moving and living in our life. For us to know with confidence that there is nothing that can separate us from God’s love. It is through this experience of Easter that we are equipped to find meaning and purpose in our daily lives.
The challenge for us now, as a Church, is that we have experienced so many resurrections over the last few years that they might feel a bit common place. Remember the miracle of becoming cash positive, and the tower climb? Or the miracle of getting the west stained glass window restored. What about the miracle of paying our apportionments for the first time in many decades? Or getting the carpet installed. Or the VIM trips to Juarez, and New Orleans (the way God provided the roofer and the roofing materials was a miracle.) Or the fact that our worship attendance has grown from the low 80’s to 111 last year. Truly God is doing miracles at Lafayette Park. God is showing us how to powerfully live out our faith. Yet, I believe that God would have us experience more miracles. God is using our church to help other churches grow stronger. God is using our church to transform our community. God is using our church to make us stronger disciples for Christ. Truly we are focusing on the life of Christ and the joy that his life brings to us.
It is my hope that during this season of Lent you will take the time to prepare yourself to experience the power of resurrection in your life. That by spending time in reflection or by taking on spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, meditation, journaling, or even just sitting in God’s presence you may find the Easter that releases you to experience the power of God’s life and love in your life, for nothing can stop God’s love for you…not even death.
Happy Easter,
Pastor Kathleen