Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sharing Time with Sharon: Fall Musings

Novmber 2008

November is a month of extremes. As the temperatures cool, the brilliance of life explodes through the colors of the fall foliage and apple harvests. Creation all around us is vibrant in reds, purples and golds. But then… the cold rains come, and the leaves fall. The trees are left utterly uncloaked. The apples are picked, the flower beds turned, and the lovely leaves curl up and turn brown. We go from abundant splendor to…grey. Humpf.

I’m a pretty visual person, so I am not particularly fond of naked trees and brown grass. Thank goodness for Thanksgiving! Here I am referring to more than the annual gathering of feasting until our buttons pop. I mean the whole season of time when our culture gives permission, no-- even encourages us, to stop and remember our blessings. In recalling how I am blessed to have a home (with naked trees in the yard), a family, and a job that brings me deep satisfaction, I am reminded that God has been so good with me. I have my mobility, plenty of clean water at the tap, and friends that insist that I get a flu shot. Yes, God is good.

The splendor of fall is stimulating. Yet, it is during the grey times that I get the most spiritual clarity. Perhaps because of all this talk of blessing counting, I take the time to reflect on what is right with my life. And so much is. With all the recent focus on economic gloom and doom, it is easy to forget that there is still much for which to be grateful. And so as I head out to my yard, rake in hand, I will use this time to remember that God’s blessings are abundant and generous, even when the world is grey. Perhaps even more so. For I know that the grey is but a season that will pass, and God promises the hope of new vitality to come. In a few months, tender green shoots will appear, the earth will put on a new wardrobe again, and thankfully, the trees will get dressed. Like the spring, many await new life to emerge from their lives of grey. Thank God for God’s promises of rebirth, renewal, and resurrection that awaits each one of us. These promises are as real and as faithful as the coming of another spring. For God is good.

God is good indeed.
Pastor Sharon