Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wilder View - July 2009

Isaiah 11:6 “…a little child shall lead them.”

These words ring so true to me each Sunday. You see at our 8 am service, Hannah and Eli always bring a friend to church with them. As part of my regular greeting to them, I ask the question. “Who did you bring to church with you today?” They smile as usual, and we begin a conversation about their friend. It seems that many of us do not bring someone to church with us. We tend to come alone or just with our family. However, each week Hannah and Eli bring a friend. On one particular Sunday, I asked Hannah, why she chose to bring Brownie with her. She held her stuffed toy dog just a bit more closely to her heart and said, “because he is special.”

Brittany (Hannah, Eli, and Evelyn’s mom) explained that as part of their process of getting ready for church each child decides who they will bring that day. The friend is always special, however, the reason they are special might change from week to week. In some cases, it is a new friend. Other times, they just feel really close to one or another.

These conversations have caused me to wonder. We all have special friends. I wonder what would happen if we all took a moment each week to think about a special friend to invite to
church. It would be a wonderful thing to call them up and say, “You are special to me. I’d like to invite you to church with me.” Wouldn’t it be great if everyone in our church began the passing of the peace with, “I would like you to meet my friend _____?” Just think about the impact that could have upon our friends, our church and our community.

I have no doubt that one of these days, Hannah and Eli’s friends are going to be transformed from huggable, furry, flexible animals, to living and breathing little boys and girls. I think they will be great evangelists. They certainly make it look easy.

So why don’t we try it. Take a moment and think of a special friend of yours who doesn’t have a faith home. Give them a call and invite them to come to church with you. I have a sense it will be an important time in their life to hear that invitation, and it will bring a greater sense of joy to your worship experience.

…a little child shall lead them. Evangelism that is easy.

I look forward to greeting you in the next few weeks and meeting your special friends.

Happy Summer,
Pastor Kathleen