Monday, November 9, 2009

Time with Sharon: Thanks”—giving

November 2009

It’s that time of year again. Time to begin thinking about sending my letter. Most of my writing happens through texting or email these days, but this special letter I actually write long-hand. Yeah, can you imagine? Here’s how it happened…

Some years ago, I began sending letters of thanks to folks who had offered me a hand of friendship somewhere along the way, provided care or comfort, or inspired me by their example. This practice began with our first next door neighbor, who 15 years earlier, had come over and mowed the lawn of newlyweds who couldn’t yet afford a lawnmower. With our first fall frost, this dear man came into our basement to show us how to light our furnace after we had slept in our coats and mittens. We were a couple of dopey kids who didn’t know squat, and he thoughtfully looked over us as we bumped through our first year of home ownership. Our first wonderful neighbor has long since moved away, and we have too. But every year, when it’s time to light the pilot light on the furnace, I think of his kindness, and wished we could thank him again for his care to us. I decided if I could not tell him, I would appreciate others in his honor. So I began writing letters.

One year I wrote to the man who taught me how to gently share my Christian witness with others, freeing me from the fear that had always kept me silent. Another year, I sent my thanks to my most memorable Sunday School teacher, who made every kid in the class feel like they were her family. Of course, I was family, but Aunt Marjorie never played favorites. Then there was my knee surgeon, who gave me back the hop in my skip, enabling me to take VIM teams to high places to build churches and provide medical care. There have been many letters over the years, and each time I finish one and post it, I giggle just a little inside to think of the surprise the recipient will feel upon receiving heartfelt thanks for long-past deeds. Moreover, it has blessed me to be able to remember their goodness, and to thank God for the gift of their presence in my life.

During the Thanksgiving season, we are prompted to think more about our blessings, and make a special point of saying thank you to God. Is there someone who has cared for you when you needed a helping hand? I believe God urged that person to help you, through the Holy Spirit working in their heart (even if they didn’t know it). That’s surely what prompted our good neighbor years ago to leave his warm house to go check on the two young goofballs living next door. I believe that God connects people with needs together with people blessed with resources through this Spirit-prompting. So if you think about it, for every good turn we receive, we really have two thank you’s to deliver. One to the person, and another to thank God for answered prayer.

So, whoever I send my thank you letter to this year, I’ll also be thanking God for sending them into my life.

Who does your heart yearn to reach out to with a letter or phone call of thanks? Do it…it feels as good to send these letters as it does to receive them!

Grace to you,
Pastor Sharon