Some of my fondest childhood memories were watching my Grandparents look through their jars and envelopes of seeds on cold winter evenings. Looking at tomato, lettuce, cucumber, and watermelon seeds seemed to create a sense of hope on long winter nights. I remember both the joy of feeling the dirt in our hands each spring as we planted those same seeds in the garden, and the anticipation of the vegetables breaking through the dirt.
My grandfather and I would play pirates as we dug for the potatoes, finding buried treasures. We would share wonderful conversations as we hulled the peas, and snapped the green beans. They are all rich, wonderful memories, and all are connected to life in the garden.
Someone asked me recently how many times garden is mentioned in the Bible, and the answer is 52. It seems only proper to have a garden for each week of the year. The gardens range from Eden, to Gethesemene, to the resurrection. God is actively working through gardens that are planted throughout the Bible.
In April we are going to do a three week sermon series on Life in the Garden. Each week we will explore a part of the garden and how it impacts our lives with God and each other. I invite you to come and roll up your sleeves, dig in, and see what amazing fruit God can grow in your life as you putter around in your spiritual garden. The series will culminate in an Earth Day celebration on April 25.
Happy digging!
~Pastor Kathleen