March 2, 2011
Francisco Rungo
Pastor in Charge
Catembe United Methodist Church
Congratulations on your appointment as pastor of Catembe UMC. We are very interested in learning more about your ministries and your vision for the people of Catembe?
We have heard of issues completing the chapel. I understand that the roof is the next priority towards completing your chapel. We hear stories nightly about children and HIV/AIDS in Africa.
Our church works with our local schools to provide reading tutors, success bags and a community garden. We were wondering about the children, what are the educational opportunities? What barriers exist for your children to be educated?
Our church is also very passionate about HIV/AIDS ministry. We have had programs over the years of focused on inclusion and comfort. Has the disease impacted Catembe?
We pray for your success and the success of your congregation. We want to hear more of your vision and how we can be engaged in your ministries.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Kathleen Wilder
Lafayette Park United Methodist Church