Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Lent Means To Me - 3/11/2012

This is the third in a series that will be included in the Sunday Bulletin each week during Lent.

by Lynne Keay

I was raised in a small town southeast of here. There were four churches and Lent was observed by all. There was a community Ash Wednesday service but I don't remember any ashes. Then there was Palm Sunday but I don't remember any palms. We had service every evening of Holy Week. The egg hunt was on Saturday and then Easter Sunrise Service that moved from church to church(PJs and raincoat). It was not until later that I understood that Easter wasn't just a new outfit with hat. In 1998, I was fortunate to walk the Via Dolorsa (Way of Cross) in Jerusalem. The street was rough and uneven, steep, and narrow. It gives you a unusual feeling of awe and amazement. Seeing the street fired my imagination of the sacrifice and pain had by Jesus.

Lent is the time I realize the sacrifice that has been made for us. How I honor it is up to me.