Thursday, July 10, 2008

From the Wilder View … July 2008

What an amazing way to close the month of June! We had a great Vacation Bible School. The children and adults filled this church with creativity and excitement. It was wonderful to hear our children singing and to see them dancing. (I am still hearing VBS songs in my home.) The children learned about God being active in their lives through the stories from both the Old and New Testament. They had a guest appearance from our beloved puppets, and a visit from our new District Superintendent. It is my hope that the energy and excitement that we experienced that week will bubble throughout the summer and just continue to grow.

VBS ended Friday evening, and our participation in PRIDE began Saturday morning. This is our third year of our participation in PRIDE. It was such a joy to hang out with you all in the booth. It was also a joy to hear people say, “Wow, you mean I would really be welcome in your church?” “I have been looking for a church.” “You have a program for my children?” “You mean I can come and share communion with you without being told I have to leave my partner?”

It was great fun to be a part of the Parade again this year. It isn’t like we have an elaborate float. We just drive Jim’s old convertible and a bunch of us walk along side. Yet, it is a powerful experience to go through the parade route and have people clap and shout for us because we are a church that witnesses that God loves us all, and that everyone is welcome to worship God with us. Wow! It just gets me excited about extending the invitation to worship God!

I think my best memory from the month of June involves children. Andy was hanging out at the Pride booth on Sunday afternoon, and he noticed a group of children playing behind the booth. It wasn’t long before he was playing with the children. In the course of the conversation, one of the children asked him if he had two mommies or two daddies. He told him that he had one of each. Then they asked, “Why are you here?” He responded that his church supported gay and lesbian people. Later that afternoon one of the mother’s came to meet me. She explained that she is a part of a group of gay and lesbian families that get together once a month to play together. She explained that Andy had requested to be included in the group, and they had decided that he could be their ‘token’. I am excited that we are building significant relationships with people in our community, and that we are being a witness to God’s grace and love. These are just a few of the ways we live out our vision of being a symbol of Christ’s presence in our community.

Once again this year, Lafayette Park you have made me proud. It is an honor to serve God with you.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Kathleen