It seems that everywhere I go, there are BACK TO SCHOOL advertisements, reminding us that soon it will be time for our children to return to their classrooms at school and begin their lessons again. They will be stretching their imaginations, and building their knowledge and skills to prepare for the world.
September also marks the return of Sunday School Class at LPUMC. We have a place for all our children, preschool through 12th grade, with teachers who are glad to be there to share the Bible stories through storytelling, fun games, engaging crafts, music, and thoughtful conversation. The children and youth will be growing their faith through engaging their imaginations and building their knowledge of God’s Holy Word, to prepare for life.
Our children need both kinds of educational experiences. It is my prayer that you will pray about including your children in this important opportunity at church to explore and grow their faith. An Adult Bible Class is also available during the same time to help you grow your faith too.
Class convenes from 9:00am-9:50, Sunday mornings, beginning September 14th, in the lower level of LPUMC. I hope to see you there!
Grace and peace,
Pastor Sharon