September 2008
I recently was blessed to hear a presentation by Gary Haugen, founder of International Justice Mission. He talked about how hard it is for people who are hungry, sick, or imprisoned to believe that God is good. Their lives are full of pain and misery. He asked us, “What evidence can they see about them that there is a good God who loves them?”
Ahhhh, that’s where we come in. You see God has a plan to heal our hurting world. And, my friends, we are it. It is through our loving actions…feeding the hungry, providing medicine and care for the sick, reading books to youngsters who struggle, and advocating for those caught in unjust systems in our culture…that God’s love is seen, heard, and felt. An encouraging word, a listening ear, a ride to the doctor, a net to protect a family that we might never meet from malaria-bearing mosquitoes, getting involved in a grassroots effort to pass legislation to ease the suffering of the voiceless. These, and a million others, are all ways that we participate in God’s plan to bring healing and wholeness to the world. And THAT is how folks begin to experience the goodness of God…through us.
It occurs to me that it is an incredible privilege to be invited to participate in God’s great action plan of healing! Every one of us has received the invitation. As we walk in the way of Jesus, we are responding to that invitation.
One way we can respond is through participation in the feeding program at our sister-church, Centenary UMC. We meet every first Tuesday of the month, from 4:30-6:30. Come join us on September 2nd (Contact Daron Smith, or just show up). Another way is to get involved in supporting the children of our neighborhood through cooperative efforts with Sigel and Hodgen Elementary Schools. There is a great need to provide reading tutors for kids who have learning lags (see me immediately if this idea gooses your interest). Has God’s Spirit put a ministry opportunity on your heart that reaches out in the name of the God of love and justice? Then let’s talk. I would love to hear what God is whispering in your ear.
There’s a hurting world all around us…but God has a plan for healing. And we’re it!
What an amazing and trusting God we love.
Pastor Sharon