Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Wilder View . . . October 2010

Can you believe it? I was in a store the other day and saw Christmas decorations already…Christmas in October! It seems like the focus on Christmas and buying gifts happens earlier and earlier each year. There is a great pressure to find the perfect gift and to be able to purchase the newest technical gadget possible. Yet, the real meaning and purpose of Christmas is pushed into the background.

At Annual Conference this year, Michael Slaughter the pastor of Ginghamsburg, UMC spoke about something they began several years ago. The idea was simple… “Christmas is not your birthday.” Pastor Michael invited the congregation to begin to celebrate Christmas by recognizing that Christmas is the Christ’s birthday and that our giving and our focus should be on Christ versus seeing how many gifts we can buy for everyone else or for ourselves. He challenged the church to give as much to missions that Christmas as they spent on Christmas gifts. Over the next years, amazing things have happened through this church’s focus; wells have been built in the Sudan, schools built, and many lives have been saved!

At the last council meeting, I asked Lafayette Park to make a commitment this year to celebrate Christmas by giving the gift of health and life. Malaria is a horrible disease that greatly impacts many people in Africa. It is estimated that it kills 800,000 children each year in Africa.

You might remember that last summer God placed upon my heart a call to provide mosquito nets for the people of Catembe. We quickly raised enough money to provide nets to the members of our sister congregation. I have since come to understand that the call was for us to provide nets for everyone in Catembe.

Carol Kreamer, our mission coordinator for the Mozambique Initiative, told me recently about work that is happening with the United Nations Foundation. They have been piloting a mass deployment of mosquito nets to specific areas. The nets are treated so that in addition to protecting people from mosquito bites, any mosquito that lands on the net is dead within a few minutes. The result is an 82% reduction of malaria cases in the area that the nets have been distributed. Catembe is targeted to be one of six locations in Mozambique to have nets deployed.

The council agreed that our focus for Christmas this year will be to raise money for mosquito nets for the entire area of Catembe. The nets only cost $10 and they save many lives. I am asking you to become intentional about ways that you can raise money between now and Christmas that can go towards the mosquito nets. The day after council, I heard from members of the church who have pledged towards the nets. Jim and I will be making and selling pumpkin pies during the holidays with the proceeds going towards nets. The Wilder children will be hosting a yard sale in the future to raise money towards the nets as well. As you have opportunities to make a donation towards the nets, jot down what you did to raise the money. I think the stories behind our creative endeavors will provide an additional blessing to our brothers and sisters in Mozambique. Our total goal is 2,000 nets we have already sent in the funds for 200 nets from last year. We are already 10% there!

This Christmas the people of Lafayette Park will give gifts that reflect our gratitude for the gift of life we have received through the birth of Jesus. Let the creativity, planning, and excitement begin!

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Kathleen