I don’t know if you have noticed it yet, but it seems to me that we now have a new ‘currency’ here at Lafayette Park United Methodist Church, and that currency is nets! It has been just a few weeks since we began our challenge to generate enough nets to cover the city of Catembe, Mozambique with ‘bed nets’ also known as ‘mosquito nets, and we have already made great strides towards that goal. It will take a total of 2000 nets to cover Catembe and at this point we have raised enough for 485, so we only have 1,515 to go.
However, the most exciting thing for me is not only hearing people talking about nets, but finding out what they are doing to raise ‘net money.’ We are receiving donations for nets for many different reasons. Here are a few; “We can’t buy that…it is half a net.” “Just because I can give.” “I am going to match my daughter’s donation.” and “From our cuss jar.” People are baking and serving and giving the profits towards nets. One of our children gave a net from his birthday money. We have received donations from the sales of Cheesecakes, pumpkin bread, and pumpkin crochet hats. People have turned in money from substituting and babysitting. “I held off shopping for souvenirs in Mexico.” One of our children has their classroom that is taking this on as their project and a whole school that is going to collect money for nets during Lent. It is downright exciting!
Yet, the most exciting thing to me at this point, is to hear people talking. Here are some of the conversations that I have heard. “This will sell at the Christmas Bazaar and it will be 1 net, and this will be one 10th of a net.” It is like we no longer have dollar bills but we have denominations of nets! I am also hearing people say, “Let’s not do a ‘drive through’, that would be a couple of nets. Let’s just eat at home.”
God is truly doing a great work within our lives and the life of our church. We are thinking about ways to live more simply so that we can give the simple gift of a healthy life to our Sisters and Brothers in Catembe.
I have no doubt that we will successfully meet our goal. Lafayette Park is a church that listens for God’s voice and direction and then follows that voice. Please do include a note with your donations so we can all see what ways our goal is reached. These will be faith stories that will encourage and excite our congregation.
Thanks for all of your faithful support as we work together to change and save lives in Catembe!